Here’s to the Maybes,
The Almosts,
The Can’t,
The Busied Away,
The Disposables.
A senseless pursuit to be papered over & then forgotten.
A meaningless kiss just to pass the time.
A 3:00 am walk of shame.
An amusing or frustrating anecdote with which to regale your friends?
A hit of dopamine,
A fleeting and unfortunate moment of desire. Or lust.
Or curiosity.

Was it a bad date? A non-date?
An uneven evening. An awkward silence(s).
Why hope? For more, for patience?
Life’s too short to “settle”.
The truth of it is that you do owe them nothing.
But did you see that there was a person behind the curtain,
Just striving to make a connection?
Do you ever think about where they must go next,
After you’ve relegated them to a footnote?
Do you wonder about them,
Those poor unfortunate souls?
When they fall and there’s no one to catch them,
When they’re lost and there’s no one to look for them.
To fear to love, but to fear solitude just as much.
Convincing themselves they were || close,
Waiting patiently for the next glance, the next chance,
Hoping and praying their guard won’t let them down, again.
Well, a crumpled piece of paper can only be smoothed over so many times.