Surviving the Apocalypse

Pittsburgh will survive the apocalypse (zombie or non). Chances are your town or city won’t. You see, most cataclysmic events happen in big cities or rural towns. Hollywood has illuminated the template for the demise of humankind.

Alien invasions (Independence Day) and huge natural disasters (Day After Tomorrow) strike coastal cities where reside our largest metropolises – New York City, LA, Washington DC, etc. Serial killers like those in Scream, Halloween or Friday the 13th attack small, rural towns.

What you never see is medium-sized cities like Pittsburgh (or Milwaukee or Charlotte) attacked and destroyed. Even George A. Romero’s classic Night of the Living Dead was set in a rural Pennsylvania town not Pittsburgh. Romero drew upon Robert Matheson’s “I am Legend”, which was set in Los Angeles, for inspiration.


(And for the record, if the zombie apocalypse ever reached Pittsburgh, we’ve studied our Romero quite enough, thank you, to be able to forestall the judgment).

